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Главная » 2023 » Апрель » 18 » Walken [ Добавить ]
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Earn on your phone, walken is a Web3 walking app that turns daily physical activity (walking and running) into a game and makes it easy and fun to live a healthier lifestyle. Grab your CAThlete, an in-game character, and go for a walk together. The more steps you take, the faster your characters progress to the next level. You will have 3 energy through it will fight with other players and when the victory for you will receive tokens, energy replenished 1 energy per hour, token traded on many exchanges, I withdrew more than once. <a href=http://bit.ly/41n5HuR>Application link Google Play</a> <a href=https://bit.ly/3GEbZym>Application link AppStore</a> Don't forget to apply a promo code to get a nice bonus for the most successful start in the game [b]Promo code: C761JUM[/b] qw*1*q
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«  Апрель 2023  »

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